Saturday, February 7, 2009

on my way.

So I'm on my way to see stomp which is going to be wicked good.

Can I just say that my aunt gave me freakin jelly bellys for my birthday. It was a late present which is why.I'm speaking out about it now. Idk either way she obviously dosent know much about me so when she searches for a gift she opts to get me something strange like that.

So anywho besides that today I got up cleaned the bathroom and went to the mall. I went into oscain because I wanted to find a sweet v neck shirt that went with these pants that I got. No luck. But I did find a really nice pair of Levis for only twenty bucks.

Anyway we are on the road and making our way to the show. I'm pretty excited to go other than I won't be sitting with the family and ill be the only one who is in a different row.

Friday, February 6, 2009

the laramie project

I woke up and cleaned my room. I recently obtained two more hollister posters. So I had to make wall space for them both. They are both male but I highly doubt that my dad will think that they are so gay and disown mean which is always one of the stupid irrational fears in the back of my head. Anyway at least my room is all clean.

I also went to school and visited a few teachers whom said I looked really good which made me very happy!

I went to the school play which was called the laramie project. Now let me start off by saying I was expecting to be blown away again because last years play was awesome. And with this play being about the story of Matthew Shepard the college student who was beaten to death simply because of his sexual preference I expected only the best. Well I'm sad to say the best is not what I got. It wasn't very touching. Not in anyway.

But before I even went to the play I ate dinner with heather and dad. You know heather isn't bad. She was asking me all of these questions about my job and stuff. She obviously takes far more interest in my life than my own father. Which doesn't say much since he takes little to no interest at all.

I also talked to Kevin for a really long time about a lot of things. Idk if he was cool about talking or what but it was nice to have a friend to talk to about all the stuff I never really can tell anyone else.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

first post in a while

Allright so I guess ill post from my phone since it will be the only way that I will post. Or even remember to post.

So anywho a lot happend today other than like school and stuff. I called shelbey today and that was good I mean we talked for probably an hour. I really liked talking to her again. I feel like I can talk to her about anything. Also she said that she was going to the gym shit I need to go to the gym. I know I don't look bad but I definitely don't look amazing.

I also talked to Kevin m today. All through text and facebook. He's a really cool kid. He said that he has really low self confidence and I hope to change that for him.