Tuesday, March 18, 2008

this song always makes me so happy. i dont know what it is about fast beats and synths that loop endlessly over and over again that makes me so excited. i feel like i NEED to be at a club in order to even listen to this song. i dont think anyone could hear this song and not even make a single movement, maybe a toe tap, or a head bob. whether or not you like techno or hard beats, this song is catchy on so many levels. the video is freakin awesome too. its like these girls getting ready for the club and these guys are getting ready too. and the club looks like the shit. anyways. im excited because after today it will only be 1 day until i have to drive all the way down to mississippi! but i get to see kevin so i'm very excited. i REALLY wanted to stop off and see shelbs in georgia but now thats out of the question because i have lydia with me. hm. I took a nap today. it was awesome. i cant really get much sleep latley since im so excited about this trip. its where im going to be living for the next 4 years...so i hope i like it!!!

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